Regulatory Education

Regulatory agencies play a vital role in the operations of our health system. Beyond operational constructs, regulatory agencies also offer education to promote organizational development.

Oro 2.0

The ORO 2.0 HRO Assessment helps senior leaders evaluate their readiness for, and advancement toward, high reliability. It also assists in determining a hospital’s level of maturity with high reliability. This course is intended for hospital leadership completion approximately 6-7 months before an anticipated regulatory visit.

Register for Oro 2.0

The Joint Commission (TJC) Survey  Preparation 101

Hospitals often spend a great deal of time preparing for The Joint Commission (TJC) survey. Recognizing the importance of this event, the goal of this module is to help new or existing regulatory/quality leaders prepare in a more methodical, effective manner for this high-stakes event.

Register for The Joint Commission (TJC) Survey Preparation 101

Patient Informed Consent Update

This course provides updated information for healthcare providers regarding when and how to obtain a patient’s informed consent.

Register for Patient Informed Consent Update

Regulatory Overview


The Regulatory Overview module is designed to provide an overview of the role and function of hospital regulatory agencies, provide an overview of the role and function of hospital accreditation agencies, and demonstrate how regulations and regulatory laws influence patient safety.

                                                                                                             Register for Regulatory Overview