Live, Interactive Virtual Quality Improvement Classes

The live courses are intended for participants who have had some exposure to QI already. Classes are held virtually in a workshop format with discussion and activities to demonstrate the principles being discussed. It is highly recommended that participants take the suggested virtual classes before signing up for the live, interactive classes as instructors will assume that participants have that baseline knowledge.

Registration and Suggested Prerequisites

It is recommended but not required that participants complete the relevant online modules before registering for the live classes. Instructors will touch on basic concepts during the live, interactive session, but they will not go deep into details as most of the class time is spent applying the material to scenarios. Recommended virtual classes are listed below for each live, interactive virtual class.  By clicking on the class titles below, you will be taken to the relevant registration page. 

Register for a Wolff Learning Academy Live Course below.

Assessing the Current State Workshop

In this live interactive course, a representative of the Wolff Learning Academy will help participants apply the principles learned in the virtual Wolff Learning Academy course Assessing the Current State to real-world projects and to fully understand the complexity of your work processes. This skill is vital in helping you to hone your project scope and ensure that the right stakeholders are engaged from the start of your improvement project.

Participants can come prepared with actual project scenarios to discuss or examples.

Register for Assessing the Current State Workshop

Connecting the Dots with Data: Introduction to Quality Data Analysis

Understanding how to define, collect, and interpret measures for a quality improvement project is critical to implementing a successful project. This interactive course helps participants understand principles of measurement and apply them to case studies and real-world projects.

It is highly recommended that participants complete the WLA virtual class “Data for Quality Improvement” before attending this in-person workshop. Instructors will assume that participants are familiar with the virtual class content. If you are working on a real-world improvement project and have a related data set, you should bring it to class as well.

Register for Connecting the Dots with Data: Introduction to Quality Data Analysis

Planning for Improvement: An Introduction to Lean and Six Sigma

Lean methodologies have been used by a wide range of industries and healthcare institutions to help make work more efficient and establish clear connections. This workshop teaches the principles of lean and how they apply to your work. Understand how to use the Six Sigma tools and techniques for process improvement, including the DMAIC framework and a 5S activity. Register for Lean and Six Sigma.

LEGOS is offered By Special Request Only for those facilities/units interested in hosting an in-person workshop. For more information email Wolff Learning Academy. 

Tackling Quality Improvement Using Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycles and Human Factors Design

Implementing real-world change is challenging. Using rapid-cycle, small-scale tests of change and human factors design (HFD) principles are extremely helpful tools to tackle quality improvement changes. This interactive course applies the PDSA and HFD tools, concepts and methodologies to real-world projects and case studies to help students understand how to use these principles in real life.

Participants should also bring a real-world improvement project that they are interested in working on to discuss in class.

Register for Tackling Quality Improvement Using PDSA Cycles and Human Factors Design

Change Management

Change is an ongoing journey, marked by a series of varied events. Embedding change capabilities within employees’ daily tasks enables organizations to navigate transitions swiftly and with greater efficacy. Recognizing the human aspect of change is crucial for a smooth transition from the current state to the envisioned future. 

This interactive course aims to equip participants with a comprehensive understanding of managing the people side of change, fostering proactive engagement, and providing the necessary support to individuals throughout the change journey. Register for Change Management.

Launching Fall 2024: An Introduction to Excel

Excel is a powerful tool for performing calculations, creating charts and graphs, and organizing information, especially when implementing quality improvement initiatives. This beginner class covers the basics of Excel, including creating, saving, and opening Excel workbooks and worksheets, entering, editing, formatting, and sorting data in cells and ranges. You will also learn basic formulas and functions for performing calculations and analysis. 

Additionally, the class will cover how to use data validation and conditional formatting to effectively control and highlight data with real-world examples.

Remember that Wolff Learning Academy offers a collection of tools, templates, and resources for any participant to use that can help make any QI project run smoothly. Visit the Quality Improvement Tools, Templates, and Resources page for more information.