External Agency OPERATING ROOM Nurse
Required Education
This area contains all the required education an external agency OPERATING ROOM LPN must complete. Some offerings have variations by hospital location, so consult the appropriate OPERATING ROOM LPN Enrollment Guide or Completion Tracker for the hospital at which you will be practicing for your specific education requirements.
Enrollment Fliers
Download enrollment instructions by hospital
For hospitals not listed, use the flier with no designated hospital
Completion Trackers
Track completion of all required education by hospital
For hospitals not listed, use the tracker with no designated hospital
Register for required content by assigned hospital by clicking on each category below
Click here to register for the All Nurses Bundle that contains the following modules:
Age Related-Care and Abuse
Antimicrobial Stewardship
Disability Awareness and Effective Communication in Healthcare
Infection Prevention
Patient Education
Reimagining the UPMC Experience
Click here to register for the Mandatory Annual Education Bundle that contains the following modules:
Bloodborne Pathogens
Compliance and Ethics Review
Emergency Preparedness
EMTALA: Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act
Environment of Care
Equity in the Workplace
Infection Prevention
Information Security Awareness
Patient Safety
Privacy Awareness
Stroke Awareness
Understanding the Elder Justice Act
Understanding Infant Security
Workplace Violence
Choose the appropriate course below according to the hospital in which you will practice. Consult your enrollment flier to confirm the correct course. If your hospital is not listed, register for the first course with no associated hospital.
Click here to register for Harassment-Free Workplace Training
Click here to register for Harassment-Free Workplace Training (UPMC CHAUTAUQUA ONLY)